Sunday, January 22, 2012

Theme Ideas

Hi all,
Here are a few exhibit ideas I've come up with - still in the rough, but maybe one will spark an idea.

  1. Product choices - environmental implications of the products we buy – their origin, how they are brought to the marketplace. Give examples of common products we buy and offer better environmental choices.

  1. Small Choices – Big Results. Explain how the small habits and choices we engage in each day add up – for good or bad – when multiplied across the population.

  1. Environmental impact of computers. Computers are necessary for modern life, but what are ways we can lessen the impact?

  1. The problem of  e-Waste. Look at statistics about e-waste and examine possible solutions. What happens to your old computer, printer, fax machine, phone, etc.?

  1. Packaging – A plea to the design community to use less packaging and to the consumer to consider the packaging in their purchase choices.

  1. What’s in a ton? Come up with way to demonstrate what a ton of CO2 might look like. Give examples of daily activities and items we use that add up to a ton of CO2 emissions. Give examples of how a ton might impact our environment.

  1. The 10-ton Challenge! Give statistics on the average American’s CO2 impact. Inform viewer of how making small daily changes, such as drinking filtered tap water instead of bottled water can add up and challenge the viewer to reduce their impact to 10-tons per year. Explain what impact might be if everyone made this choice.

  1. Junk mail. Make it go away!! How big of a problem is it? Is there any other use for it? What’s the solution?

  1. Food Choices. Environmental impact of buying local/seasonal vs. imported out of season. Impact of different meats.

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